FlexiGIS Config

Before executing the available FlexiGIS make commands on your environment, ensure that the config.mk file variables are properly configured. Change the following default variables according to your respective system environment, the OpenStreetMap data location of interest and renewable feedin simulation parameters.

For OpenStreetMap data download (spatial location):

  • URL of the OSM raw data (used for OSM raw data download):

    # download other pbf file for other spatial areas from geofabrik
    # Change the pbf file to the pbf file name of the location of interest.
  • Name of the OSM raw data file (used for data filtering by osmosis):

    # replace with downloaded pbf file name
  • Name of the bounding polygon file (used for data filtering by osmosis):

    # Use other polyfiles for other spatial areas

For PostgreSQL database connection, parameters should be change to match user’s database

  • PostgreSQL connection parameters:

    # change parameter to match your database connection

To download ERA5 weather data using make weather_data, the below lines in the config.mk file should be properly edit to suit personal prefrence.

  • Weather data download parameters:

    # stores the downloade netcdf weather data as ERA5_data.nc
    target_file:= ../data/01_raw_input_data/ERA5_data.nc
    # select weather data timestamp or download period
    end_date:= 2015-12-31
    #set region to "True" or "False" if you wish to download weather for a region or for single location
    # For single coordinate or location single location (e.g single location in Oldenburg)
    # For download of weather data for a region (e.g: Berlin region)
    # Longitude 'west'-'East' and Latitude 'North'-'South'
    lon_region:= 13.1,13.6
    lat_region:= 52.3,52.7
  • To generate renewable feedin time series:

    # defualt power system parameters
    hub_height:= 135
    # wind data in feedinlib format, for wind power simulation
    wind_data:= wind_data.csv
    pv_panel:= Advent_Solar_Ventura_210___2008_
    inverter_type:= ABB__MICRO_0_25_I_OUTD_US_208__208V_
    # pv data in feedinlib format, for pv power simulation
    solar_data:= solar_data.csv

see feedinlib-pv on how to get available PV power system parameters and feedinlib-wind on how to get available wind power system parameters.